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Vol 1: Donald Jackman, Criticism and Critique: Sidelights on the Konra...
Vol 2: Gentile continuity and family continuity in Roman senatorial fa...
Vol 3: Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval
Vol 4: The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. A Dynastic History, 1099-112...
Vol 5: La Noblesse du Midi carolingien: Etudes sur quelques grandes fa...
Vol 6: Comtes, Vicomtes et noblesse au Nord de l'Aquitaine aux Xe - XI...
Vol 7: Resourcing Sources. The Use of Computers in Developing Prosopog...
Vol 8: Die gens Ausoniana an der Macht. Untersuchungen zu Decimius Mag...
Vol 9: Where are the women? Prosopography of women of princely and duc...
Vol 10: Kings, Chronologies and Genealogies: Studies in the Political...
Vol 12: Naming Patterns in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
Vol 13: Prosopography Approaches and Applications. A Handbook.